Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sparrows is Shaping Up

Long time without posting comes from a 2700 mile ride from home. The good news is that Sparrows is shaping up. Several poets are now a sure thing for Sparrows 2007. Some names I can drop are: Don McIver, a champion slam team member from Albuqurque, Jane Hillberry from Colorado College with her erotic crazy Jane poetry, Jim Tipton award winning poet from somewhere deep in Mexico, and Kory Ford a young poet with a hip poetic voice from Hollywood, CA.

Here's my saga and perspective on a Christmas that is creeping up in a different way this year.
Merry Poetry. Wage it, read it, write it, post it, need it, feed it. Amen.

Over the River and Through the Woods

the ride through the snow
was not to grandmother's house
to no house to strange relatives
and no dough and cold ice on
the road just past the mississippi river
santa lives in some other country
this year and all my babies are
in Colorado and all these babies
live here away from thier mothers
like boarding school abandonment here
is like a thick piece of bread waiting
for the knife wanting the sweet
butter of familiar smell
this year i'll be santa claus
and wonder where the reindeer
live i'll stay away from chimnies and
mrs. santa dress in black and decorate
with red reverse the roles, thank those
who love me for sending money
ask god for the car payment
carry my presence on my back
with no place to make cookies
maybe this will be the year
for fairy god mothers and wise men
maybe it won't matter
if there is a santa i believe
in something, poetry for sure
friends who last through all my
downfalls and the goodness that
seems to triumph over economics
and politics like rivers ignoring
their banks where accounts
are overdrawn and the illusion
of funds can be printed from the
internet, good god when all is
said and done it's a cosmic joke
and god knows i love to laugh

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