Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Always Do Right--Mark Twain

Got a Mark Twain quote out of a little book published in 1937 called, Thoughts on the Business of Life. He says,"Always do right. This wil gratify some peope and astonish the rest."

Sometimes the news of greed and offense that's coming from the high offices of our country depress me and leave me without hope. It's been a bit of an empty season of poetry for me. I think in 2006, doing right in government would astonish everyone. Maybe that's why Hugo Chavez got a standing ovation at the UN after his speach. So I'm coming back to poetry. Writing and reading it is so powerful in bad times. Many poets have been imprisoned and killed during repressive times. So here's one of mine. If you're out there, send me some back. This poet could use your poetry.

Want to Be a Poet Again

waiting for the butterfly
state after crawling around
like a worm for way too long
doing the ups and downs
caterpillaring along day after
day of not knowing when
the chrysalis will come
and transform this poet from
worm to wet winging creature

Friday, September 22, 2006

Festival of the Imagination

Check out this great spoken word festival in Del Norte, Colorado. I only wish that I could be there. Three days of amamzing and free beautiful events. Stewart Warren is the main orgainzer. He's a great poetry performer, published poet, host and supporter of positive work in the world. Many amazing performers will be there. www.festivalofimagination.org
I was reading a book by Helen Thomas today. She is the grandmother of White House Correspondants. I'm reading her book for several reasons, but the main one is that she is our Elder. Americans have few, listen to almost none and may perish from our adoration of Youth and disdain of our Elders. Of course many of our elders, those who hold office, chair boards and are CEO's of companies have nothing to offer themselves or us, having lived lives of greed and self-gratification. Still, there are many who have much to share, but are left alone to become bothersome duties that we listen to without attention because they talk on. Ever had no one to talk to for several days? It can cause diarrhea of the mouth. I would love to have an older woman or man who cared about me and advised me on a daily basis. Don't have one. Do You? Few and far between. It won't be long before I'll be an Elder. I need training for God sake. I'm going to keep an eye out for my Elders, flesh and blood ones close to home. Guess this has something to do with poetry. Know any old poets we can invite to Sparrows this year? I mean really old wise poets? Let me know. JJ

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Check out Laurie's comment on Yesterday's Post

It's autumnal Eqinox. Just walked a labyrinth! Something really ancient that had
me feeling close to the earth even though it was on cement and the sound of traffic almost erased the new age music playing in the background. I really love to do labyrinths. They have been found in almost every culture. Mazes that are so like life, with twists and turns and many roads that all lead to the same place. Here's a poem I wrote a few years ago after I walked one. JJ

Labyrinth Walk

The spiral the Sufi the Quail and You
Dervishes Dancing and Turning

Step step--step step and Whirl
Step step--step step and Whirl
Aya Away Aya Away
Said the Eagle come fly with me
Take a look at what I see.

Families turtles lizards and snakes
Trees in the shape of a girl
Angels and men and woman and child
Painting mandalas of light

Enter the puzzle but walk without thought
For where or when you should go
It’s already laid out with the
Boundaries intact to relieve all the rights and the wrongs

The path that you walk is of your own soul
You’ve known from beginning of time
No hunger or thirst ‘cause the
Treasure is found resting deep inside your own skin.

Maiden and Man and Mother and Crone
Together as well as alone.
We enter the sunset and rise with the moon
Birthing god from the heart of her womb.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mayan Calendar

Day Two Almost,(I posted the first one in the wee hours of this morning.)

It's been wierd day for this poet. Today I heard talk of the Mayan Calendar and predictions that the world as we know it, ends in 2012. That's not much time
for anything but writing poetry. If I've only got another five years, think I'll just spend time with the people I love and write write write POETRY. I haven't
been sleeping well. That's probably where these weird thoughts come from. I'm dreaming about Sparrows though. Hope to hear from a bunch of great poets soon.


Sparrows 2007 March 1-4 Colorado's Performance Poetry Festival

HERE IT IS. The voice of Performance Poets who connect at sparrowspoetry.com
Our 7th annual festival is in the works. For more information go to http://www.sparrowspoetry.com. Poetry that entertains, enlivens and is out to change the world.

We believe that poetry is for the people and that poetry can make the world better.
What do you think? If you've been to one of the 6 annual festivals, let us know
what it was like and what changes you would like to see. This is a space for you
to be heard by other poets and anyone who shows up.